Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Old Teddy Bear

I sit here on the shelf lonely and covered in dust,

Spiders cover me like a cloak,

People wander past,

Someone took me replaced my bow then tickled me,

Now I'm on a different shelf,

People start to gaze at me longingly,

A girl snatches me up from the shelf,

I know she'll always love me.

Fiona's portrait poem

My present portrait poem

Energetic, Enthusiastic, Friendly, Intellegant
Sister of Aaron
Lover of hockey, camping and reading
Who needs hugs, animals and books
Who gives out food, books and cuddles
Who fears of artheritious, failure and heights
Who would like to see a massive thunder storm building up
Resident of Christchurch

My future portrait poem

Energetic, farmer, sporty, photographer
Mother of Lexie
Lover of animals, hockey, snow
Who needs a family, farmland , camera
Who gives food water and clothes to those in need
Who fears of arteritious, broken bones, being broke
Who feels exhausted, sweaty, frustrated
Who would like to see a huge thunder storm
Resident of Arrowtown

Mum and Dad by Emma

Thanks for making me laugh I know you will always be the treasure to my heart,

your the best in every way your always there when I want to say,

I love you mum and dad you are the best I know somethimes I can be a pest

but thanks for aways being there for me Ican count on you like 1,2,3


Hot sun blazing on me,
Colourful trees everywhere,
I can smell sweet blossoms,
I can hear birds chirping and lots of laughter,
I love to look at the colourful flowers.

Magic Moments

Magic Moments you have these moments on really good days but not on ones when you're the one to blame I have them when I'm with my friends but not when my day has come to an end thank you for listening to my poem this has been one of thoose truly magic moments